06 Jul How to: Maintaining your new kitchen
If you’ve recently completed a makeover or renovation of your kitchen, you must have taken some beautiful photos in it’s pristine state and wondered, “how am I going to keep it like this?”. In the article below, we’ve got 4 simple tips to keep your kitchen showroom-ready!
Keep it Simple
Having lots of creative pieces in your kitchen can make it look funky and eclectic, but it certainly creates more work. Our advice: keep the benchtop accessories to a minimum. The more things you have, the more places for dust to harbour and it just encourages even more things to be placed there – a vicious cycle. No one has ever complained about a beautiful, clean benchtop.
Cleaning Products
There are so many cleaning products on the market today – each with a particular use case. Depending on the stone benchtop you have, you’ll need to choose a cleaning product that won’t compromise the material. Generally, for daily use, you’ll be hard pressed to go past some warm soapy water though.
Be sure to check with your stonemason or manufacturer exactly what products to use and to avoid.
Stay Organised
As we touched on above, kitchen benchtops become this really attractive place to just throw your things onto. Keys, phone, wallets all just end up sitting on their and make it look messy. We highly recommend placing organisers or containers into your storage areas so you can keep everything neat and tidy. This way, you’ll always know where your things are and the kitchen continues to look fabulous.
Routine cleaning
The best kind of cleaning is one that you can do consistently. Switching into autopilot where you clean up after each meal, clean out the fridge each week, take out the bins and a quick, regular vacuum will really ease the load up and make sure everything looks great all the time. Cleaning little bits regularly is much easier than trying to do a deep, thorough clean once a month. Knowing exactly what you need to do will save you time and increase the lifespan of your kitchen so get into a routine and stick to it.
We’re sure you put a huge amount of effort and love into the renovation of your kitchen so keep it up with some regular cleaning. Maintaining that level of effort will keep it looking as beautiful as the day it was renovated.
If you’re looking to undertake a kitchen renovation, get in touch with us at Beyond Stone. We’d love to hear from you so call us on (08) 9201 0926.
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